Gurugram-based online travel firm MakeMyTrip has received infusion of Rs 73.5 crore from its Mauritius-based entity (MakeMyTrip Limited, Mauritius) in two tranches, according to Ministry of Corporate Affairs filings of the company. Both the filings are reported for the month of March. The development comes amid coronavirus outbreak, where in travel and hospitality are the worst affected sectors. Recently, InfoEdge-backed OTA announced that its top executives Deep Kalra and Rajesh Magow have decided to draw "zero salary" from April 2020, while the rest of its leadership team will take a reduction of around 50 percent in their compensation in fighting coronavirus. MakeMyTrip also said that it plans to undertake multiple "tough measures" to keep overall expenses at a minimum amid the outbreak. The group is reviewing operating costs and plans to undertake multiple tough measures to keep overall expenses at a minimum. |